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Welcome to our website. We hope that Vlčnov will win you over with its beauty and that you will visit us soon.

Local Authorities in Vlčnov


General information on Vlčnov:

Vlčnov is a picturesque South Moravian village lying 5 km from Uherský Brod and is arranged in a typical village style. The first record dates back to 1264 even though the history of this village began much earlier and is documented by archaeological excavations carried out within the Vlčnov cadastre. The village has over three thousand inhabitants and has an autonomous self-government (local authority). Agriculture is most common here and most of the inhabitants commute to near-by towns to work. It is a significant cultural centre supporting folk art and folklore. Vlčnov folk costumes have been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.


The Vlčnov Ride of the Kings, which is held on the last Sunday in May, is famous not only in the Czech Republic but abroad as well. Youths who have come of age go around the whole village with their king (he must be a virgin  according to tradition and is usually about 12 years old) and end their grand rounds at the local stadium accompanied by a procession dressed in folk costumes. A large exhibition of invited domestic as well as foreign ensembles is then held at the stadium. If the above information about the festival has caught your eye and you would like to know more about it, then please visit our website at www.jizdakralu.cz.

jizda kralu

The glamour of the Vlčnov folk costumes has captivated many an artist and photographer. Probably the most famous piece of art glorifying the beauty of the local folk costumes is the Ride of the Kings in Vlčnov, painted by Joža Uprka. This grand piece of art was completed in 1897 and gained world recognition at the World Fair held in Paris in 1912, where it was ceremoniously introduced and presented to the art public in general. Among his other famous paintings belongs the Ride of the King’s Crier. Vlčnov is still regularly visited by significant photographers, who attempt to capture fleeting moments of the beauty of the folk costumes on sensitive photographic material. The name Zdeněk Thoma certainly says it all; a famous globetrotter, he regularly visits Vlčnov when he is not away travelling.

Architecture-wise, Vlčnov boasts unique reservations of viticulture buildings, which belong to the largest in the Czech Republic. This group of buildings consists of 41 listed buildings called Vlčnov búdy. The reservation encompasses vineyards where the most often grown varieties are Müller-Thurgau, Burgundy Blue, Portugal Blue and Frankovka. Other wine varieties are less represented.


You can obtain information useful for when you visit us or further information concerning our village at info@vlcnov.cz.


We hope you enjoy your visit and look forward to seeing you.


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